
Reflections on the Remembrance Supper

Reservations to be considered: If we know that Jesus’ bestowal was the 4th epochal Revelation; and   If we know that the “consecrated bread and wine” are quintessential part of most Jesus-based religions of authority (in reference to TUB); and  If we know that as per most Eucharistic practice, the ritual is meant to be a “cleansing” post-confession and a pathway to the “presence of Jesus” and thereby to “eternal life”; and    If we know as TUB readers that we are invited to find new ways in which to further the notion of the religion *of Jesus* and depart from yesteryear’s practice of a religion _about Jesus_; then,    How could we partake in a Eucharist Passover Supper session that integrates the more progressive teachings of the 5th epochal Revelation and keep us —TUB practitioners— from being perceived by the unaware and curious potentially interested person, as just another version of authority-based Christianity?   Response: Hi, firstly – tha...

Reflections on the Publication Mandate

  The students of the Urantia Book are often astounded at the apparently slow progress of the revelation but the Publication Mandate reminds us that:   “The book is being given to those who are ready for it long before the day of its world-wide mission. Thousands of study groups must be brought into existence and the book must be translated into many tongues. Thus will the book be in readiness when the battle for man’s liberty is finally won and the world is once more made safe for the religion of Jesus and the freedom of mankind. ” [Emphasis mine]   This paragraph is pregnant with many insights which, if carefully unpacked, I believe could help us understand our situation and so manage our expectations. Firstly, the book is ‘given’ – it is a gift from divine beings to us as a planet, and to us as specific individuals , “ long before the day of its world-wide mission.” If you have ever tried giving this book to anyone you quickly learn the astonishing ambivalen...